副总经理 杜元新

2003年至2007年 武汉工程大学 化学工程与工艺专业
2007年至2010年 普帕克石油天然气设备(深圳)有限公司 配管工程师
2010年至2013年 普帕克石油天然气设备(深圳)有限公司 工艺工程师
2013年至2016年 普帕克石油天然气设备(深圳)有限公司 项目经理
2016年至今 深圳市奥图威尔科技有限公司 化工装备部 部门经理
- Jacobs Canada Inc. /Suncor Energy , ALBERTA
FIREBAG Amine sweetening units , FIREBAG 13.6 tpd (50%) SRU, FIREBAG TEG heating and cooling system
-Enterprise Products Operating L.P.
Meeker Gas Plant Expansion, Colorado
Inlet Gas Dehydrators to be designed for 650 MMscfd water saturated at the outlet of the Inlet Gas Contactor Feed/Effluent Exchanger operating conditions with a 70oF inlet gas temperature and an added safety margin for water content of 3-4 lbs/MMscf.
Inlet gas treating for CO2 removal to based on operating temperatures approach to CO2 freeze temperature no less than 10oF.
To be maximized based on 80% minimum C2 recovery.
-Husky Oil Operations Ltd.
Pikes Peak South Thermal SAGD Facility
Central Processing Facility
-CNOOC Deepwater Development Limited
South China Sea Deep Water Gas Development Project
The Turboexpander machine (Frame 3.5) will be supplied by Mafi-Trench
HY Gas Complex Development Project
Two trains each with design capacity of 180 MMSCFD@11450kPag TEG Dehydration Skids and TEG Regeneration Skids.
300x108/a Sale Gas Plant, with Inlet gas slug catcher, Amine plant, Molecular Sieve Dehy, LPG, sour water stripper, SRU
Missan Oil Field Development Natural Gas Plant
71MMSCFD Amine plant, SRU